Poetic Justice: The Inheritance

Poetic Justice: The Inheritance

By Fran Raya

Format: Paperback

(11 customer reviews)

Publication Date: 28 Nov 2021


Categories: Crime and Thrillers, Fantasy and Horror

ISBN: 9781913913762


Randal Forbes calls his phenomenal, telepathic powers ‘the gift’.

Randal had been anticipating the arrival of his special child who would bear the hallmark of his spiritual legacy. It was a rancid, bitter pill to swallow when Roxanne was born out of the result of a one-night stand with his artist, Maxine Hale. She is married to Saul Curtis and has passed the baby off as his, but she is aware of her daughter’s true paternity and is very disturbed by her penetrative gaze and strange behaviour.

Randal’s wife, Alison, and their children, are still completely blind to his dark side. 

Clive Hargreaves, his lover and protector, remains eternally at his side.

In this fourth book of the series, Randal encounters further danger ahead, but the main aim is to develop and nurture ‘the gift’ that is blossoming within his chosen child, Roxanne.

Randal Forbes has a dark side so powerful that only someone with a similar ‘gift’ would be able to challenge him and when Carlton Flint appears in his deadly arena, Randal may well have met his match!


Fran Raya currently lives in Manchester. Her career has been predominantly in music since the 1970s, both in the UK and abroad, originally as a singer-songwriter but now in later years purely as a songwriter who places original songs with other artists. Fran is a member of The Guild of International Songwriters and Composers (GISC) and has been featured in their quarterly magazines. She has performed throughout Europe as she used to be based in Denmark and was the support act for Eric Clapton on his Scandinavian tours in the 1980s. She has also published poetry in numerous anthologies and as a result was awarded her own book, Thoughts of the Poet. The Inheritance is the fourth book in the Poetic Justice series, following The Dawning, Oxford and Fame – all published by The Book Guild.


Tom Woods - 09 Apr, 2022

In a nutshell, this book should fly off the shelves and the series should go viral.

Liz Barnes - 31 Mar, 2022

I agree with the other reviews from readers. I just want to add that Randal Forbes escapes justice every single time. Will he ever be caught? I can't see how. An absolutely fascinating and highly original series that has gripped me from the very beginning. Beautifully written and it just gets better with each book.

Reg Shepherd - 29 Mar, 2022

I love the name Randal Forbes for a kick off. There's a ring about it as if it's been around for a long time. Randal is completely immoral and jaw dropping. His powers are so dark but thrilling in a strange, compelling way This book made me look for the other ones in this offbeat, unusual, different series. I say different because it's every day life twinned with paranormal activity and believable even though it shouldn't be. The author sets the scene for Randal's endless lust for murder in a most descriptive way that is so vivid, that I'm sucked into the whole happening. It's addictive reading and I'm very impressed with the series and can't even imagine how this will all end. I truly hope there is more to come. Excellent writing from this author who has a distinctive style of her own.

Pat Wilson - 03 Feb, 2022

This book and series is up there with the best. I've never felt so many emotions and different reactions to the plots. It has a real feel to it all regardless of its supernatural theme. What on earth happens next and how will the author continue with such a high standard of writing? The Inheritance does not disappoint. In fact it's more exciting and unpredictable than ever.

Rachel Kirby - 29 Jan, 2022

Where do I start with my review? Obviously Randal Forbes himself but there are so many characters in this book and in this series who are so important to the whole monstrous theme. The thing is that although the author describes Randal as very handsome and incredibly charismatic, he's evil and unrepentant. That alone should put me off the whole series but amazingly it doesn't and I find myself making excuses for his cruelty. After all he's just protecting his gift and there are plenty of people wishing to bring him down. The scene in this latest book with the hospitalised Clive Hargreaves had me in tears. So there is a 'caring' side to Randal after all. However it's rare and his lust for murder prevails. The very fact that he never lays a finger on his victims but kills them by thought control somehow waters down the crimes. It's the fact that he is remorseless that gets to me. And yet I still have to read on. Why? Because it's so imaginative and thrilling. Randal is one of the most strongest and visual characters I have ever come across in a recent series. As long as he remains in the books then I can sleep at night!

David Miller - 27 Jan, 2022

There I was thinking I'm so over books with a paranormal tale. Wrong! This series has gripped me and now I'm addicted to Randal Forbes only in a literary sense I hasten to add! This book is the best yet because all along I've wanted someone to fight back. The twist is just brilliant and so unexpected. So well written and exciting! Next!

Ruth Davis - 20 Jan, 2022

When I finish work each day I like to relax in the evening. That was the case until I came across this series online. I have followed Randal's mind blowing madness, right up to this latest book. I find myself sucked in even though it's not my usual type of story. I need to know what happens next. I can't believe the effect it has on me. After all he's not real. Is he? So well written and utterly convincing even though it's a paranormal theme. More please. Help!

Paul Schofield - 13 Jan, 2022

Wow! Randal gives Mulder & Scully a run for their money! Then there's all the craziness with Carlton Flint and. Roxanne. I'm so drawn in to this series. I can't predict what's to come but one thing's for sure. Randal Forbes rocks!

Josie Levy - 12 Jan, 2022

I've just finished reading the Inheritance, and have been thoroughly engrossed with the story line, and can't help being attracted to Randal,even though he's evil.
The author is very descriptive with her writing, and I love the way she brings the family into the story.
I cannot wait for the next book in the series. As there is nothing else that lives up to Randal Forbes.

Susan Shaw - 11 Jan, 2022

Having read this hypnotic series I have been shocked yet weirdly attracted to Randal Forbes. Now I'm even more aghast by his she devil daughter. This saga is riveting and different in its approach to a dark theme. There are twists and turns that add to its creativity. Highly recommended and I can't wait for the next book.

Steve Levine - 20 Dec, 2021

I was alerted to this series by a friend. It's brilliant and a must for supernatural fans. I'm torn between fear and awe. Randal Forbes is a compelling character but so evil. He doesn't think so and woe betide those who do! However, it's a page turner, exceptionally well written and I'm hooked.

Other books by Fran Raya

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