Poetic Justice: Oxford

Poetic Justice: Oxford

By Fran Raya

Format: Paperback

(15 customer reviews)

Publication Date: 28 Sep 2019


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Categories: Crime and Thrillers, Fantasy and Horror

ISBN: 9781912881765


The dynamic and mysterious Randal Forbes calls his dark powers ‘the gift’. His startling, slate grey eyes radiate when he is in the throes of his telepathic reprisals.

His trail of destruction has caught the attention of the police, who are investigating him under potential murder charges. But proving his guilt is difficult as he is nowhere near the crime scene; just inside the head of each targeted victim, issuing commands.

Now a student at Beaumont College in Oxford, he revels in his own success and is well on his way to becoming a celebrated author.

There are new ‘enemies’ to deal with in Oxford and Randal seeks to remove those who suspect his paranormal leanings. He has a twisted sense of poetic justice but also a chivalric loyalty to his family.

Randal Forbes has a dark side so malevolent that only someone with a similar ‘gift’ would be able to challenge him. But, who would dare?


Fran Raya lives in Manchester. Her career has been predominantly in music since the 1970s, both in the UK and abroad, originally as a singer-songwriter but now in later years purely as a songwriter who places original songs with other artists. Fran is a member of The Guild of International Songwriters and Composers and has performed throughout Europe as she used to live in Denmark. Fran was the support act for Eric Clapton on his Scandinavian tours in the 1980s. She has also published poetry in numerous anthologies and as a result was awarded her own book, Thoughts of the Poet. Fran’s first book in the Poetic Justice trilogy (Poetic Justice: The Dawning) was published by The Book Guild in August 2018.


Mr S Steele - 11 Apr, 2021

I’m sat at home and I’ve just finished reading this book. It’s mind blowing! I’m actually going to read it again because there’s so much to take in. I’ve read the first book in this series which left a lasting impression but this one grabs you by the throat! Randal Forbes is a name that will send shivers down every readers spine but still draws you into his complex, dark, dangerous world. It’s been a long time since a character in a book has had such an effect on me. Can’t wait for the next instalment of this riveting story! This author brings a different edge to crime as we know it, but it’s beautifully written and addictive because it leaves the reader wanting more.

Mr J Latham - 11 Apr, 2021

A thriller killer of a book with a thrilling killer at its core! This is a mixture of crime and punishment but not for Randal as he is the perpetrator. Highly recommended if you want to experience a chilling read that’s well written and totally different. Telepathy, bisexuality, decadency and fantasy all mixed up with Randal’s lesser mortals at his mercy. Love it. I shouldn’t but such is his power that seems to seep through each page and takes me over. Randal Forbes is one powerful character and leaves a lasting impression. Mesmerising.

Judie Krebs - 11 Apr, 2021

We first learned about Randal Forbes in The Dawning, Fran Raya’s debut novel within the umbrella title Poetic Justice. And it dawned on us that this was no ordinary child but an extraordinary child with The Gift. My capitals. Randal doesn’t capitalise it, he likes to keep it hidden. But we see throughout the book, to our shock and amazement, how he capitalises upon it. You wouldn’t be able to buy such a gift, nor indeed would you want to, but Randal revels in the knowledge of what he can achieve with it.

With childhood done and adolescence a mere springboard to manhood, Randal is now at Beaumont College, Oxford, continuing his upward spiral to the very top. But with the intention to win all the glittering prizes comes the glitter in his slate grey eyes. They draw people to him, for better or for worse. They are all his victims, at his benign or malign whim.

And it is when those eyes start to glow, with their evil yellow tints, that we hold ourselves in suspense because we know that some poor wretch is about to be on the receiving end of The Gift. We know, too, that they won’t be in a position to choose a gift for anyone else ever again.

And the curious thing is, we still follow him avidly, repelled and attracted in equal measure, because Randal Forbes has a dual nature: kindness and evil. Certainly, he is still kind to those he loves. He feels the need to fight their battles before they know their foes. But his predilection for punishment empowers his sense of poetic justice which, accordingly, becomes more acute and his methods of eradication more sophisticated.

We always want Randal to win. Who in their right mind would wish otherwise? Nor do we always agree with his methods but, in the interests of personal safety, we’re going to keep quiet about that, aren’t we? The big question now, of course, is: what happens next? The world stage is Randal’s oyster – and he is the omnivore.

Roll on Book 3!

Stanley Mann - 11 Apr, 2021

I am so impressed with this author. I commented on the first book and this one does not disappoint. It’s beautifully written and so gripping. I must make mention of Randal’s relationship with Clive. It throws a sensitive and tasteful light on bisexuality. I hope that they remain together. I also love the thought processes of all the characters but mostly that delightfully demonic creation Randal Forbes. Book three beckons and I simply can’t wait! Does that make me seem strange? I just think its the effect this author has on me and all her readers! Fabulous!

Barry Ravenscroft - 11 Apr, 2021

What to write about this second book in this chilling series? It’s simply spine tingling and does not disappoint in any shape, form or size. I commented on the first book and must admit I thought the author might slip up with this second book because how can you better the perfect effect? But here it is in all its gory glory! Great setting, stunning storyline and gripping crime as Randal pulls all the telepathic strings and leads the police a merry dance as he plays his evil games. Next book please! Asap.

Lisa Law - 11 Apr, 2021

I thoroughly recommend this book to readers who are into parnormal activity. Having said that, it is very readable regardless of the genre. I think the main character Randal Forbes is a master creation by this author and leaves a lasting impression even after reading the book. What a complex dark character he is! Can’t wait for the next book.

Lee Pearson - 11 Apr, 2021

Just finished reading this book and before that, the first one in this series. Fran Raya you are a reviewers dream. Some are going to love it and others will be shaken to the core. Personally I was hooked and now I am waiting for the next book with bated breath. Great storyline, well written and totally compelling. More please – I need my next Randal Forbes fix!

Brian Wilks - 11 Apr, 2021

I am very impressed by this author because the impossible is now possible. By that I was so caught up in the destructive but astounding powers of Randal Forbes that I genuinly forgot that such powers don’t exist. The book is well written and takes the reader by the hand into a parallel universe where anything is possible. Randal Forbes is a fictional character who makes a lasting impression and I am fascinated by his dark persona. Disturbing but compelling reading.

Gill Scott - 11 Apr, 2021

I find this book both enthralling and unnerving simply because of the realism in between the paranormal episodes. Randal’s appearance is apparently stunning which is most unusual for such a dark character but that adds even more uneasiness because it makes him appealing. I’m drawn to him and by rights I shouldn’t be. How far will he go and how many more victims will bite the dust? A truly imaginative read that takes me on a roller coaster ride of emotions. Well written and visual. This series and its main character is memorable and quite unique.

Adele Boulder - 11 Apr, 2021

This story is so vivid that I wonder if telepathy is real? Pure fantasy or tangible? Randal could use his gift in a good way and bring joy but he decides to use it in a very dark way. But it works because I’m sat on the edge of my chair literally waiting to see how he rids himself of each victim! This is true crime but in a different sense and somehow it makes sense, because he is what he is. A telepathic murderer who can’t be caught. Fascinating.

Emma Levy - 11 Apr, 2021

I have read the first book and the this second book did not disappoint I couldnt put it down!!the writing is superb and I am captivated by the demonic Randal Forbes and his Gift, I cannot wait for the third book to come out. Fran Raya is definitely an Author to watch for.

Josie Levy - 11 Apr, 2021

This is the second book I have read in the series and can’t wait for the third!!! the writing is superb.. and although the genre is not what I would normally read, I was captivated by Randal Forbes and his magnetism.
I have read many books of different authors and I would say Fran Raya is definitely one to watch for.

A Heywood - 11 Apr, 2021

One of the most thrilling books of its kind. It strays away from its paranormal theme into real life then back into the dark powers of Randal Forbes. This is what makes it different but no less gripping. I like the tasteful way the author handles his bisexuality. Each facet of his personality gives rise to a mix of emotions normally found in a real life situation but then BANG! You are pulled into the impossible. Or is it? Kinda leaves me wondering about it all. Well written and totally absorbing.

Clifford Hui - 11 Apr, 2021

This book should come with a warning! It is disturbingly brilliant and even though I wanted to stop reading it, I couldn’t put it down! Randal is warped but complex because underneath his evil ways there lurks a softer side. Just when I think he’s relented he goes into satanic mode. Congrats to Fran Raya for making me read a book against my will. A well written compelling story.

T. Lightwood - 11 Apr, 2021

I read the first book in this series and was hooked. I’ve waited a year for the second one, hoping it would have the same impact. Well it doesn’t because it’ s even more gripping! Absolutely mesmerising and so imaginative. Randal is even more stunning as a dark character and his crimes are diabolically vivid. I also think his supporting characters are just as visual but he takes centre stage in a continuing dark story that plays havoc with the readers senses. A must have and a great read.

Other books by Fran Raya

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