Lynn Fleming

Lynn Fleming's Books

ISBN: 9781914471537


Catching Butterflies

28 Apr 2022

I was shaking with fear and with the cold, sitting in the wet grass as I waited for what would happen next. The car sped off down the road, its red eyes glaring at me in recrimination... I looked around. Everything was dark and unfamiliar.

There was nothing else…

Panic struck me.

What would become of me now?

When Perdu is abandoned as a kitten by his hateful owners, it’s the beginning of a new life fraught with danger.

He finds help from those who seem to care for him.

Perhaps he can trust humans after all...

But when disaster strikes again, will he find the courage to save his home and family?

And can his greatest enemy become his friend?

Lynn Fleming loved reading and writing since she was a young child. Taking her passion forward, she studied for a degree in English and a Master’s degree in Renaissance Literature, before completing her PGCE course. She has taught English at her old grammar school for over seventeen years and loves to inspire children to read. She lives in Omagh, Co. Tyrone.